Mini-Session: $25
A Mini-Session is meant to give you a very limited number of great pictures. This is what you want if you are looking for one picture to be your family Christmas card, a birth announcement, a save-the-date card, a party invitation, etc. These sessions should last no more than half an hour not including set-up time.
Standard Session: $50 first hour + $10 each additional half-hour
A Standard session is...well...pretty standard. This is what you want if you are looking for a series of pictures to go in an album, fill a photobook, or display all over a wall in your home or office. These sessions would typically only last for one to two hours. Changes in wardrobe, moving to a new location, and shuffling props are included in the time, but basic set-up and break-down are not counted against you. Typically, these photo shoots will include both standard posing and more artistic and candid style shots.
Additional fees:
- No Logo Fee: $10 - I normally apply a small logo to the corner of each picture. To have logo-free images, there is a fee.
- Out-of-Town Fee: $5 per quarter hour of drive-time outside of Tallassee. I live in the middle of town and anywhere I can get to in less than 15 minutes does not carry an additional fee.
- Way-Out-of-Town Fee: $0.555 per mile from my house. This fee is for locations which are a significant distance away from Tallassee. This is the IRS Standard rate for business travel.
- [What's the difference between Out-of-Town and Way-Out-of-Town? Roughly speaking, you are Way-Out-of-Town if it's going to take me more than thirty minutes of interstate driving to get to you, but you are just regular Out-of-Town if I'm driving for an hour down county roads. One or the other will apply to events outside of the immediate Tallassee area, but not both.]
- Props/Scenery Fee: Assessed based on availability and re-usability. Simple backdrops (black, white, and off-white canvas) do not carry this fee. This fee applies to things I will need to purchase and may or may not be able to use again and to things I have which will eventually need to be replaced due to wear and tear. You are free to use almost anything you want to bring to the shoot (the only exclusion being things I personally deem obscene or objectionable).
- Large Group Fees:
- Under 8 people -- no additional fee
- 9-12 people -- add $10 to the first hour and $2 to each additional half-hour
- 13-20 people -- add $20 to the first hour and $5 to each additional half-hour
- 20 people or more -- These will be priced on a case by case basis.
- Child/Adult Imbalance Fee:
- Less than 2-1 ratio -- add $10 to the first hour and $2 to each additional half-hour, applies to groups with less than 2 adults per each child under 16. This fee may be waived on site at the photographer's discretion for exceptionally cooperative children.
- Less than 1-2 ratio -- add $20 to the first hour and $5 to each additional half-hour, applies to groups with more children under 10 than adult arms present. This fee may be waived on site at the photographer's discretion for exceptionally cooperative children.
Every session includes the best images of your shoot with basic edits on a CD or DVD (as size requires) and a letter stating that you have full rights to use your pictures however you choose.
If you want prints, (this is new) you can pay a $20 print consultation fee, and we'll sit down and select the images you want printed and the sizes you want. We will then have your pictures printed and shipped to you through your choice of MPix (pro-quality), ShutterFly (quality), or Sam's (economy). You will need a credit card to pay for your actual printing and shipping costs.
Special Event Photo Booth:
Would you like me to set up a photo booth at your special event and take commemorative photos of your attenders similar to what I do for Trade Day and Holiday Market?
$100 for a minimum of 2 hours shoot time plus $30 for each additional hour, I bring everything and deliver the images to you on CD.
If you want me to mail prints to your guests, then it's an extra $1 per 4X6 print.
If you want me to deliver prints to you for you to distribute, that's only $0.50 per print.
If you want me to incorporate your event logo into a boarder for each picture, that's free.
If you want me to charge your attenders for each picture, then I'll rebate you $0.10 per group.
If you provide a suitable background for the pictures, then I'll discount you $20. Background must be approved by me prior to the event.
Other Special Events and Projects:
Use the portrait session rates as a rough guide, but I'll need to know specific details before giving you a firm quote.
If you want an explanation of why I'm pricing things the way I am, go check out my original Prices and Packages post.