Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Updated Pricing!

Portrait Sessions:
Mini-Session: $25
A Mini-Session is meant to give you a very limited number of great pictures. This is what you want if you are looking for one picture to be your family Christmas card, a birth announcement, a save-the-date card, a party invitation, etc. These sessions should last no more than half an hour not including set-up time.

Standard Session: $50 first hour + $10 each additional half-hour
A Standard session is...well...pretty standard. This is what you want if you are looking for a series of pictures to go in an album, fill a photobook, or display all over a wall in your home or office. These sessions would typically only last for one to two hours. Changes in wardrobe, moving to a new location, and shuffling props are included in the time, but basic set-up and break-down are not counted against you. Typically, these photo shoots will include both standard posing and more artistic and candid style shots.

Additional fees:
  • No Logo Fee: $10 - I normally apply a small logo to the corner of each picture. To have logo-free images, there is a fee.
  • Out-of-Town Fee: $5 per quarter hour of drive-time outside of Tallassee. I live in the middle of town and anywhere I can get to in less than 15 minutes does not carry an additional fee.
  • Way-Out-of-Town Fee: $0.555 per mile from my house. This fee is for locations which are a significant distance away from Tallassee. This is the IRS Standard rate for business travel
    • [What's the difference between Out-of-Town and Way-Out-of-Town? Roughly speaking, you are Way-Out-of-Town if it's going to take me more than thirty minutes of interstate driving to get to you, but you are just regular Out-of-Town if I'm driving for an hour down county roads. One or the other will apply to events outside of the immediate Tallassee area, but not both.]
  • Props/Scenery Fee: Assessed based on availability and re-usability. Simple backdrops (black, white, and off-white canvas) do not carry this fee. This fee applies to things I will need to purchase and may or may not be able to use again and to things I have which will eventually need to be replaced due to wear and tear. You are free to use almost anything you want to bring to the shoot (the only exclusion being things I personally deem obscene or objectionable).
  • Large Group Fees:
    • Under 8 people -- no additional fee
    • 9-12 people -- add $10 to the first hour and $2 to each additional half-hour
    • 13-20 people -- add $20 to the first hour and $5 to each additional half-hour
    • 20 people or more -- These will be priced on a case by case basis.
  • Child/Adult Imbalance Fee: 
    • Less than 2-1 ratio -- add $10 to the first hour and $2 to each additional half-hour, applies to groups with less than 2 adults per each child under 16. This fee may be waived on site at the photographer's discretion for exceptionally cooperative children.
    • Less than 1-2 ratio -- add $20 to the first hour and $5 to each additional half-hour, applies to groups with more children under 10 than adult arms present. This fee may be waived on site at the photographer's discretion for exceptionally cooperative children. 
Picture CDs/DVDs and Printing:
Every session includes the best images of your shoot with basic edits on a CD or DVD (as size requires) and a letter stating that you have full rights to use your pictures however you choose.

If you want prints, (this is new) you can pay a $20 print consultation fee, and we'll sit down and select the images you want printed and the sizes you want. We will then have your pictures printed and shipped to you through your choice of MPix (pro-quality), ShutterFly (quality), or Sam's (economy). You will need a credit card to pay for your actual printing and shipping costs.

Special Event Photo Booth:
Would you like me to set up a photo booth at your special event and take commemorative photos of your attenders similar to what I do for Trade Day and Holiday Market?
$100 for a minimum of 2 hours shoot time plus $30 for each additional hour, I bring everything and deliver the images to you on CD.
If you want me to mail prints to your guests, then it's an extra $1 per 4X6 print.
If you want me to deliver prints to you for you to distribute, that's only $0.50 per print.
If you want me to incorporate your event logo into a boarder for each picture, that's free.
If you want me to charge your attenders for each picture, then I'll rebate you $0.10 per group.
If you provide a suitable background for the pictures, then I'll discount you $20. Background must be approved by me prior to the event.

Other Special Events and Projects:
Use the portrait session rates as a rough guide, but I'll need to know specific details before giving you a firm quote.

If you want an explanation of why I'm pricing things the way I am, go check out my original Prices and Packages post.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trade Day Prints Going in the Mail Soon!

Trade Day Photo Booth prints have been picked up, info labels are printed and affixed, and address labels are going on as I type (thanks to my beautiful, wonderful wife). Everything looks good for those to go out tomorrow. We are short one print because of an error neither of us caught, but we'll get that one printed at Wal-mart tomorrow and be back on track.

Are you terrified that I don't get my prints done at a professional level lab? I'm only slightly ashamed of it. If I were doing a major job, then I'd probably go with MPix or maybe Shutterfly. However, every penny matters and speed is more important than print quality for this task. I undercut MPix by 6 cents per 4X6 print plus shipping costs and don't have to wait for them to ship to me before I can turn the pictures around and send them back out. Shipping large prints also gets cost prohibitive very quickly.

Back to Trade Day...

You can see unboardered and more or less uncropped images in the facebook album linked below.

Here's what the booth looked like from the outside:

It's all over but the shoutin'--as they say--as far as Trade Day is concerned. Still, I hope that there plenty of people who holler back that they want more prints or photo sessions to get me out of the red on this one.

Social Media FTW

Here's a pretty mind blowing article I read a while back about a lying, copyright infringing, other person's work claiming fauxtographer and how social media was her downfall. It's pretty epic. I just can't imagine how she ever thought she'd get away with it.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Trade Day Edits Done!

My hope was that I would be able to run my Tallassee Trade Day pics through Adobe Lightroom, doing only minor edits and then letting it apply the boarder, and have all the images ready in a matter of minutes. Well, that didn't happen. While shooting, I wasn't as conscious as I thought I was being about leaving enough room at the top and bottom of the frame to allow for the boarder and words. That left me with a lot of shucking and jiving to do to make each pic fit the boarder, including some filling in at the edges. (I only had to punt and add solid color blocks to the sides of one picture, and that one was a freebie of my pastor's family.)

I'll be uploading the best of each group to facebook in a day or so. Prints will likely happen Saturday, mailing...probably Monday. To tide you over until then, here's my kid!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Trade Day Happened

Tallassee Trade Day was this last weekend. I set up a photo booth and took pictures looking a lot like this:

I've got most of the best pictures selected. There are a few I'm going to have to get a second opinion on from my wife. After that, there will be a few special editing issues to take care of that will be a bit of a time sink, then I'll just let Adobe Light Room apply the boarders and create the final JPEGs and they'll be ready for printing...then addressing...then shipping out.

Those pics above are some samples I took beforehand in my back yard when testing out my setup. The font is called "Big Top" and can be found free on Thank you Shamrock, whoever you are. If I had made any money, then I'd probably figure out how to send you a couple bucks.

As it stands, I'm pretty deep in the red for Trade Day. That will likely get a little better after we send the prints out. We had a pretty significant number of people wanting additional prints of their pictures last year. If we can get some additional orders, that will help. If I can get some portrait sessions or other work out of it, then that would be a big help, too. That's actually why I do trade day, getting my name out there to build some business. That, and the experience.

I learned two big lessons this year. First, it's not worth the trouble of chasing the sun to work under a tent. I'll be shooting Holiday Market without the tent and just blast people with flashes and shoot with my D70 at 1/500 sec. (because that's as fast as anything will sync to a flash). Second, prints don't sell well...if at all. I'm not settled on what to do with this information, but I've got to do something with it. I can't spend money on prints to sell and recoup 0% of that; it's just bad business. If nothing else, I'll be selling the prints I have at crazy low prices at Holiday Market. Hopefully I can capitalize on people buying presents.

Last year, I actually made a little money on Trade Day. This year, Tallassee's Trade Day was competing with Loachapoka's Syrup Soppin' Day, an arts-n-crafts fair in Wetumpka, and some Jr. League thing in Montgomery. Which means that Trade Day had fewer vendors and fewer attenders. I shot about 2/3 as many groups as I did last year and sold $20 in prints compared to over $50 last year. (That $20 for this year amounts to one 16X20 collage.) I did have the forethought to charge $1 for 1-3 people and $2 for 4 or more this year, so that helped boost the gross income some.

Lest you think I'm down on this year's Trade Day, let me say that I'm not. It wasn't a huge success in it's own right, but I did cover most of the costs that can't be justified in some other way. I had a good time. My customers will have a good keepsake. It was fun. I'd do it again if I had it to do over, though I'd do it slightly differently.

Oh, and I'd like to give a shout out to Village Photographers for loaning me some equipment that helped to make my photo booth more legit than it might have been otherwise.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Product Photography?

I just saw a Craig'sList ad for a new business in Phenix City looking for a product photographer. I've sent them an email pointing them here, to my blog, so they can see samples of my work. While I've got all sorts of pictures posted here, I didn't have any product photos...but I do now.

Here we have a few pictures of items I've sold on eBay:


Now, I know these aren't exactly catalog quality pics, but the fact that this is what I produce to sell my junk on eBay should indicate that I would produce a vastly superior set of images were someone paying me to do so.

There was actually a lady at Tallassee's Holiday Market last year who asked me about doing some pictures of her crafts to submit to a company that sells such things through their catalog and website, but sadly she never got back in touch with me. Too bad she didn't have VistaPrint business cards like I did.

In totally unrelated news, things are looking good for Trade Day this year...far better than last year.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall Photo Wander Number 1

Tallassee Trade Day is coming up, and I'm intending on having some better fall pictures to display and hopefully sell some prints. I'm also trying to get some quality, commercially viable shots to submit to stock photography companies. My last attempts at getting accepted to sell stock photos through two companies were rejected, which is not surprising; no one gets accepted their first time out.

My camera and I took a little photo wander the other day to fill these needs. Below are the results.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Yates Lake Trip from August 2012

Back in late August, my in-laws rented a house on Yates Lake just on the other side of Tallassee, AL. Here are some pics I took while we were there. All of the portraits were taken with either natural light only or with a little bit of flash just to fill in the shadows. These were taken with my Nikon D70, which does a great job at outdoor pics.

First, we have some shots of the cutest kid EVER, Peter.

Next we have a shot of Paw-Paw through the back windows of the house and high school senior cousin Rachel on the back porch.

And the last thing I have for you are some lake scenery shots. It's fine by me if you right-click and use the pics below as desktop backgrounds, just so long as it doesn't keep you from getting anything done by making you daydream about being outside at the lake.